(905) 385 - 3003

8-990 Upper Wentworth St. Hamilton, ON
L9A 5E9 - across from Limeridge Mall
Hamilton Dentist
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What We're Up To at our Hamilton & Ancaster Dental Office

Through continuing education and dental affiliations, we strive to provide you with the best care possible. Below are some recent events we attended to maintain the highest level of care available to our patients.

Dr Barzilay attended a course in Tacoma Washington in Nov-Dec 2018 at the BioClear Learning Centre.

Dental Convention - May 2018

Dr. Barzilay with Dr. Abelyn Lim

At the Prosthodontic Potpourri Course, November 03, 2017

At the 2014 Spring Clinic

Dr. Barzilay with Rick Mercer

At the 2013 ODA Annual Spring Clinic

Dr. Katya Archambault and Dr. Barzilay

Dr. Barzilay attended the Soft Tissue Grafting Course on March 22nd and 23rd 2013.

February 2013 - "Creating Endodontic Excellence"

Dr. Barzilay attended the "Creating Endodontic Excellence" with speaker Dr. Clifford J. Ruddle pictured here with Dr. Barzilay.

January 21 - 24, 2013 - Dr. Barzilay at the Alpha Omega International Dental Society Winter Seminar in St. Anton, Austria

November 2, 2012 - Winter Clinic

Dr. Barzilay attended Winter Clinic on November 2, 2012 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. This annual event is sponsored by the Toronto Academy of Dentistry.

October 19th 2012 - Dr. Barzilay attended the Lecture: Practice Growth and Implant Dentistry; How Digital CAD/CAM Technology and Same Day Dentistry is Changing the Way We Practice

Given by Dr. Curtis Jansen from Monterey California

July 10th 2012 - Dr. Barzilay on an outing with the Alpha Omega group on their annual sailing day

Thursday May 10, 2012 Ontario Dental Association Spring Meeting

Click on images to enlarge.

2012 Pinball Clemens keynote speaker Thursday May 10, 2012 Ontario Dental Association Spring Meeting

Click on images to enlarge.

April 2012 - Periodontal Surgical Skills Workshop with Dr. Steve Cooper

Alpha Omega International Ski Seminar January 20-28, 2012 in Trois Vallees France

Click on images to enlarge.

Dr. Barzilay and Dr. Carlos Ochoa

On October 28th Dr. Barzilay attended the Endodontic Course put on by Dr. Ochoa.

On November 4th, 2011 Dr. Barzilay attended the Pharmacology Course with Dr. Harold Crossley.

Dr. Barzilay attended a three day course from Dec. 2, 3, 4, put on by Dr. Fred Margolis for Pediatric Dentistry.

Request a Dental Appointment in Hamilton Today!

Did you know that over 50% of North Americans suffer from dental anxiety? With this in mind we've equipped our office and staff with the techniques and tools to reduce anxiety in the dental chair. Schedule a dental appointment in Hamilton today and see for yourself!

Office Hours

Mon: 9am - 5pm
Tues: 10am - 7pm
Wed: 10am - 6pm
Thurs: 9am - 5pm
Fri: 9am - 3pm
Sat: Closed


8-990 Upper Wentworth St.
Hamilton, ON
L9A 5E9

(905) 385-3003
(905) 385-7396