Dear Patients:
Summer is over and the Thanksgiving weekend is now upon us. The weather for
this weekend really looks amazing and I hope you all get out and enjoy the
amazing weather, perhaps take in one of the fall fairs.
As we go into this long weekend I want to send a thank you out to all our
patients for continuously showing your confidence in our office by referring
your family and friends.
Thank you all and have a great weekend.
All the best,
Dr. Ron Barzilay
Use it or Lose it
Your dental coverage may be based on the calendar year!
That means that your coverage maximums start over on January 1. Depending on your plan, your unused benefits likely do not roll over into 2012.
This means:
If you don't use them this year they will go to waste!
If we haven't seen your smile in a while call us today to book an appointment or better yet you can request an appointment from the computer you are sitting at right now!
Happy Halloween! Brush Brush Brush
Whether you have little ghost and goblins around the house or not, the lure of Halloween candy and treats will be all around this month.
If you do have young ones, there are a few tips we can offer before their inevitable increase of candy consumption.
For Safety:
Inspect any candy received during trick or treating adventures.
For Health:
Limit the amount of sweets they consume.
Ensure they eat a large, healthy meal before they venture out (if they are not hungry, they will be less likely to sneak too many treats during their journey).
For their teeth:
Speak to us about dental sealants to offer increased protection for their teeth.
Click here to continue reading. |
Dips for Friends
If you are having company over, chances are you were considering serving a snack of chips and dip. While many of these are quick and easy, they are also loaded with fats, salt, sugar and preservatives. Undoubtedly, people will eat too much and complain about feeling guilty. Is this any way to treat a friend?
Why not surprise your guests with something delicious and secretly nutritious? Here are three dips that will leave your friends talking, and while they may have seconds, they will be left with energy rather than guilt.
Click on your choice of dip!
Recipes provided by Marni Wasserman and