Happy Mother's Day!
Are you planning something exciting for the moms in your life this Mother's Day, May 12th? With Spring finally arriving in Canada, there are plenty more options to go out and about and do something fun! Not just for Mother's Day, but also for the exciting Victoria Day long weekend on May 20th.
As you dive into summer activities, be mindful that with these long, hopefully sunny days, you need to take a few precautions to stay safe and enjoy the hot weather to the fullest, by:
- Consciously making an effort to drink plenty of water
- Using sunscreen
- Wearing a helmet when biking
- Wearing appropriate footwear and protective gear, like a sportsguard, for sport activities.
We hope you get to fully enjoy these long awaited warmer days!
Stay safe,
Until next time, keep smiling,
Dr. Ron Barzilay