Dear Patients:
This past Wednesday night the entire office went out to the TiCat drubbing of the Montreal Alouettes 57-20 at Ivor Wynne Stadium.
We all had a great time; of course we didn't have as good seats as our contest winner six year old Trevin who brought his dad to the game.
If you haven't signed up for a chance to win then sign up. It is really a lot of fun going to the game, especially if you have never been.
Please check out my blog at I write a few times a month. Usually about frequently asked questions and things that come up from time to time in the practice of dentistry. It is quite interesting.
Otherwise summer has begun and the children are finishing school and starting their summer vacations. We, here at the office, send our best wishes to all our young patients for a fun and safe summer.
Please note that I will be on vacation the first two weeks of August and appointments to bring the kids in before labour day are filling up quickly. (Summer vacation has barely started and here we are talking about back to school).
All the best,
Dr. Ron Barzilay
Health Tip: Vitamin D and Your Smile
Smiles are contagious!
You may notice that during the summer months more people around seem to have the smiling bug. The increased hours of sunlight and warm weather have been proven to effect people's moods. Did you know that the increased hours of daylight and short lengths of exposure to the sun's rays offer multiple health benefits?
While it is great to see people smiling, there are also health benefits associated with the summer sun that directly affect your smile. In this case we are talking about Vitamin D. Simply put, Vitamin D is essential to your body as it allows you to absorb and use calcium which is needed to form and maintain strong bones and teeth. When exposed to the sun's UVB rays your skin creates Vitamin D3 which is then converted by your liver and kidneys to a form of Vitamin D that your body needs.
Studies have also shown Vitamin D to have anti-inflammatory properties. A Boston University study found that people with a higher level of Vitamin D in their blood experienced less bleeding during gingival probing and lower instances of gingivitis.
We still suggest wearing sunscreen and avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun. Even short exposures to the sun's rays have shown to increase vitamin D levels. Perhaps you should head out for a short walk after lunch today and see if you catch and pass on the smiling bug to your coworkers.
Eat More Raw Now!
While supermarkets and health food stores allow you to find produce from around the world, this time of year offers the opportunity to shop at local fairs and farmer's markets. Farmer's Markets create a unique opportunity to meet the people who grow our foods as well as a fun outing with family. These markets are often the best way to get fresh raw produce from the farm directly to your table.
Raw, unprocessed foods are delicious and offer countless health benefits. Summer is a great time to start adding more raw foods into your diet.
Raw foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts create a great foundation to a modern diet. Raw foods are loaded with enzymes, vitamin and nutrients that increase energy, aid in digestions and boost vitality.
We are not suggesting that you completely change your diet, just that you add more raw food into your day. While snacking, garnishing, or even one meal a day, the benefits of raw food are well worth the adjustment.
Click here for FIVE EASY WAYS to add more raw foods to your diet!